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to bring something to fulfillment

  • 1 acuerdo

    1 agreement (pacto).
    llegar a un acuerdo to reach (an) agreement
    acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    acuerdo tácito tacit agreement
    2 resolution.
    3 settlement of a claim.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: acordar.
    * * *
    1 agreement
    ¡de acuerdo! all right!, O.K.!
    de acuerdo con in accordance with
    de común acuerdo by mutual agreement, by common consent
    estar de acuerdo to agree ( con, with)
    llegar a un acuerdo to come to an agreement
    acuerdo marco framework agreement
    * * *
    noun m.
    agreement, deal, understanding
    - de acuerdo con
    - estar de acuerdo
    * * *
    1) (=decisión conjunta) agreement; [implícito, informal] understanding; [de negocios] deal

    de común acuerdo — by mutual agreement, by mutual consent

    de o por mutuo acuerdo — by mutual agreement, by mutual consent

    tomar un acuerdo, no tomaron ni un solo acuerdo en la reunión — nothing was agreed on in the meeting

    acuerdo de desarme — disarmament agreement, arms agreement

    acuerdo de pago respectivo — (Com) knock-for-knock agreement, no-fault agreement (EEUU)

    acuerdo tácito — unspoken agreement, tacit agreement


    de acuerdo —

    a) [independiente] OK, all right

    sí, de acuerdo — yes, OK, yes, all right

    cada uno pondremos 40 euros ¿de acuerdo? — we'll each put in 40 euros, OK o all right?


    estar de acuerdo — to agree, be in agreement frm

    en eso estamos de acuerdo — we agree on that, we're in agreement on that frm


    ponerse de acuerdo — to come to an agreement, reach (an) agreement

    aún no nos hemos puesto de acuerdo — we still haven't come to an agreement, we still haven reached (an) agreement


    de acuerdo con — according to, in accordance with frm

    todo se hizo de acuerdo con las reglaseverything was done according to o frm in accordance with the regulations

    de acuerdo con el artículo 27 — as laid down in article 27, in accordance with article 27 frm

    de acuerdo con estas fuentes, las dos mujeres fueron secuestradas — according to these sources, the two women were kidnapped

    * * *
    a) ( arreglo) agreement

    llegar a or alcanzar un acuerdo — to reach an agreement

    b) ( pacto) agreement

    acuerdo de pazpeace agreement o (frml) accord


    de acuerdo: estar de acuerdo to agree; ponerse de acuerdo to come to o reach an agreement; estar de acuerdo en algo to agree on something; estamos de acuerdo en que... we all agree o we're all agreed that...; estar de acuerdo con alguien/algo to agree with somebody/something; no estoy de acuerdo con pagarle tanto I don't think we should pay him so much; ¿mañana a las ocho? - de acuerdo — (indep) tomorrow at eight? - OK o all right


    de acuerdo con or a — in accordance with

    * * *
    = agreement, arrangement, compromise, convention, partnership, understanding, covenant, accord, partnering, pact, accommodation, bargaining, settlement.
    Ex. Complete agreement had not been possible, but the numbers of rules where divergent practices were evident is limited.
    Ex. This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
    Ex. A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
    Ex. Enter a concordat, 'modus vivendi', convention, or other formal agreement between the Holy See and a national government or other political jurisdiction under the party whose catalogue entry heading is first in English alphabetic order.
    Ex. The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
    Ex. A basic understanding in the concept of these libraries was the desire to confront the user with shelved books on entering and while moving through the building.
    Ex. The article 'Public library: the Trojan Horse covenant' argues that too much emphasis is now placed on the privatisation of libraries, their transformation into information centres and collections which mirror current demands.
    Ex. Only then, within the framework of inter-institutional accord, will academic library cooperative activities move forward more rapidly and purposefully.
    Ex. These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
    Ex. Issues discussed at some length included problems arising from a recent copyright pact with the USA and how each country can obtain access to the best literature of the other.
    Ex. Whatever structure emerges will be one of accommodation and acceptance by the various stakeholders both in and outside the library.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.
    Ex. These settlements require the tobacco companies to make annual payments to the states in perpetuity, with total payments estimated at $246.
    * aceptar los términos de un acuerdo = enter into + agreement.
    * acuerdo bilateral = bilateral agreement.
    * acuerdo con el fiscal = plea bargaining.
    * acuerdo con el juez = plea bargaining, plea bargaining.
    * acuerdo contractual = contractual agreement.
    * acuerdo de colaboración = collaborative partnership, partnership agreement.
    * acuerdo de cooperación = collaborative partnership.
    * acuerdo de licencia = licensing agreement, licensing arrangement.
    * acuerdo de paz = peace agreement.
    * acuerdo económico = financial arrangement.
    * acuerdo escrito = written agreement.
    * acuerdo financiero = financial arrangement.
    * Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
    * acuerdo internacional = modus vivendi.
    * acuerdo legal = legal agreement, legal settlement.
    * acuerdo multilateral = multilateral agreement.
    * acuerdo muto = meeting of (the) minds.
    * acuerdo salarial = salary agreement.
    * acuerdo secreto = secret deal.
    * acuerdo sindical = union contract.
    * acuerdo sobre el precio mínimo de los libros = net book agreement.
    * acuerdo verbal = verbal agreement.
    * alcanzar un acuerdo = reach + agreement, reach + compromise, hammer out + agreement.
    * celebrar un acuerdo = enter into + agreement.
    * cerrar un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, conclude + deal.
    * compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedores = maverick spending.
    * concertar un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, conclude + deal.
    * contraer un acuerdo = contract + agreement.
    * creación de acuerdo de colaboración = partnership building.
    * crear un acuerdo = work out + agreement.
    * críticos + no estar de acuerdo = critics + be divided.
    * cumplir (con) un acuerdo = honour + commitment, honour + agreement, fill + Posesivo + agreement.
    * de acuerdo = okay, granted, all right, in concert, in agreement, okeydokey! [okidoki], in consort.
    * de acuerdo a = according to.
    * de acuerdo con = according to, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, judging from.
    * de acuerdo con este documento = hereunder.
    * de acuerdo con esto = accordingly.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de acuerdo con la ley = according to law.
    * de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia = in the trend towards.
    * de acuerdo con + Nombre = as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, going on + Nombre.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo = according to + Posesivo + pocket.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Pronombre = in + Posesivo + view.
    * dependiendo del acuerdo = subject to + agreement.
    * elaborar un acuerdo = draw up + agreement.
    * establecer un acuerdo = work out + agreement.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar totalmente de acuerdo con = be all for.
    * firmar acuerdo = write + agreement.
    * firmar un acuerdo = tie + the knot.
    * llegar a acuerdo = make + arrangements.
    * llegar a un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, reach + agreement, make + an undertaking, make + bargain, come to + consensus, reach + understanding, have + meeting of the minds, reach + consensus, hammer out + agreement, develop + compromise, work out + agreement, strike + deal, conclude + deal.
    * negociar un acuerdo = negotiate + agreement.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * ponerse de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * ratificar un acuerdo = ratify + convention.
    * renegociar un acuerdo = renegotiate + agreement.
    * respetar un acuerdo = honour + commitment, honour + agreement.
    * romper un acuerdo = sever + arrangement.
    * si se llega a un acuerdo = subject to + agreement.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * tener acuerdos con = have + deals with.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + ideales = live up to + Posesivo + ideals.
    * * *
    a) ( arreglo) agreement

    llegar a or alcanzar un acuerdo — to reach an agreement

    b) ( pacto) agreement

    acuerdo de pazpeace agreement o (frml) accord


    de acuerdo: estar de acuerdo to agree; ponerse de acuerdo to come to o reach an agreement; estar de acuerdo en algo to agree on something; estamos de acuerdo en que... we all agree o we're all agreed that...; estar de acuerdo con alguien/algo to agree with somebody/something; no estoy de acuerdo con pagarle tanto I don't think we should pay him so much; ¿mañana a las ocho? - de acuerdo — (indep) tomorrow at eight? - OK o all right


    de acuerdo con or a — in accordance with

    * * *
    = agreement, arrangement, compromise, convention, partnership, understanding, covenant, accord, partnering, pact, accommodation, bargaining, settlement.

    Ex: Complete agreement had not been possible, but the numbers of rules where divergent practices were evident is limited.

    Ex: This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
    Ex: A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
    Ex: Enter a concordat, 'modus vivendi', convention, or other formal agreement between the Holy See and a national government or other political jurisdiction under the party whose catalogue entry heading is first in English alphabetic order.
    Ex: The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
    Ex: A basic understanding in the concept of these libraries was the desire to confront the user with shelved books on entering and while moving through the building.
    Ex: The article 'Public library: the Trojan Horse covenant' argues that too much emphasis is now placed on the privatisation of libraries, their transformation into information centres and collections which mirror current demands.
    Ex: Only then, within the framework of inter-institutional accord, will academic library cooperative activities move forward more rapidly and purposefully.
    Ex: These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
    Ex: Issues discussed at some length included problems arising from a recent copyright pact with the USA and how each country can obtain access to the best literature of the other.
    Ex: Whatever structure emerges will be one of accommodation and acceptance by the various stakeholders both in and outside the library.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.
    Ex: These settlements require the tobacco companies to make annual payments to the states in perpetuity, with total payments estimated at $246.
    * aceptar los términos de un acuerdo = enter into + agreement.
    * acuerdo bilateral = bilateral agreement.
    * acuerdo con el fiscal = plea bargaining.
    * acuerdo con el juez = plea bargaining, plea bargaining.
    * acuerdo contractual = contractual agreement.
    * acuerdo de colaboración = collaborative partnership, partnership agreement.
    * acuerdo de cooperación = collaborative partnership.
    * acuerdo de licencia = licensing agreement, licensing arrangement.
    * acuerdo de paz = peace agreement.
    * acuerdo económico = financial arrangement.
    * acuerdo escrito = written agreement.
    * acuerdo financiero = financial arrangement.
    * Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
    * acuerdo internacional = modus vivendi.
    * acuerdo legal = legal agreement, legal settlement.
    * acuerdo multilateral = multilateral agreement.
    * acuerdo muto = meeting of (the) minds.
    * acuerdo salarial = salary agreement.
    * acuerdo secreto = secret deal.
    * acuerdo sindical = union contract.
    * acuerdo sobre el precio mínimo de los libros = net book agreement.
    * acuerdo verbal = verbal agreement.
    * alcanzar un acuerdo = reach + agreement, reach + compromise, hammer out + agreement.
    * celebrar un acuerdo = enter into + agreement.
    * cerrar un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, conclude + deal.
    * compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedores = maverick spending.
    * concertar un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, conclude + deal.
    * contraer un acuerdo = contract + agreement.
    * creación de acuerdo de colaboración = partnership building.
    * crear un acuerdo = work out + agreement.
    * críticos + no estar de acuerdo = critics + be divided.
    * cumplir (con) un acuerdo = honour + commitment, honour + agreement, fill + Posesivo + agreement.
    * de acuerdo = okay, granted, all right, in concert, in agreement, okeydokey! [okidoki], in consort.
    * de acuerdo a = according to.
    * de acuerdo con = according to, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, judging from.
    * de acuerdo con este documento = hereunder.
    * de acuerdo con esto = accordingly.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de acuerdo con la ley = according to law.
    * de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia = in the trend towards.
    * de acuerdo con + Nombre = as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, going on + Nombre.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo = according to + Posesivo + pocket.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Pronombre = in + Posesivo + view.
    * dependiendo del acuerdo = subject to + agreement.
    * elaborar un acuerdo = draw up + agreement.
    * establecer un acuerdo = work out + agreement.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar totalmente de acuerdo con = be all for.
    * firmar acuerdo = write + agreement.
    * firmar un acuerdo = tie + the knot.
    * llegar a acuerdo = make + arrangements.
    * llegar a un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, reach + agreement, make + an undertaking, make + bargain, come to + consensus, reach + understanding, have + meeting of the minds, reach + consensus, hammer out + agreement, develop + compromise, work out + agreement, strike + deal, conclude + deal.
    * negociar un acuerdo = negotiate + agreement.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * ponerse de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * ratificar un acuerdo = ratify + convention.
    * renegociar un acuerdo = renegotiate + agreement.
    * respetar un acuerdo = honour + commitment, honour + agreement.
    * romper un acuerdo = sever + arrangement.
    * si se llega a un acuerdo = subject to + agreement.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * tener acuerdos con = have + deals with.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + ideales = live up to + Posesivo + ideals.

    * * *
    1 (arreglo) agreement
    llegar a or alcanzar un acuerdo to reach an agreement
    se separaron de común acuerdo they separated by mutual agreement
    2 (pacto) agreement
    un acuerdo verbal a verbal agreement
    los acuerdos de paz the peace agreements o ( frml) accords
    (UE) association agreement
    outline agreement
    prenuptial agreement
    wage settlement
    B ( en locs)
    al final se pusieron de acuerdo in the end they came to o reached an agreement
    de acuerdo EN algo:
    están de acuerdo en todo they agree on everything
    estamos de acuerdo en que va a ser difícil we all agree o we're all agreed that it's going to be difficult
    estar de acuerdo CON algn/algo to agree WITH sb/sth
    sobre ese punto estoy de acuerdo con ellos I agree with them on that point
    no estoy de acuerdo contigo I don't agree with you, I disagree with you
    no estoy de acuerdo con pagarle tanto I don't agree o I disagree with paying him so much
    no estoy de acuerdo con lo que acabas de decir I don't agree with what you've just said
    de acuerdo ( indep) OK, okay
    ¿mañana a las ocho? — de acuerdo tomorrow at eight? — OK o all right
    salimos a las 6 ¿de acuerdo? we leave at 6, OK o okay?
    de acuerdo con or a ( loc prep) in accordance with
    de acuerdo con lo establecido en el contrato in accordance with what is laid down in the contract ( frml), as laid down in the contract
    * * *


    Del verbo acordar: ( conjugate acordar)

    acuerdo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    acordar ( conjugate acordar) verbo transitivo términos to agree;
    precio/fecha to agree (on)
    ■ verbo intransitivo (Andes) ( recordar) acuerdole a algn de hacer algo/que haga algo to remind sb to do sth
    acordarse verbo pronominal
    to remember;

    acuerdose de algn/algo to remember sb/sth;
    no quiero ni acuerdome I don't even want to think about it;
    acuerdose de hacer algo (de una acción que hay/había que realizar) to remember to do sth;

    ( de una acción que ya se realizó) to remember o recall doing sth;
    se acordó de haberlo visto allí she remembered o recalled seeing him there;

    acuerdose (de) que … to remember that …
    acuerdo sustantivo masculino
    a) (arreglo, pacto) agreement;

    llegar a un acuerdo to reach an agreement; acuerdo de paz peace agreement o (frml) accord


    ponerse de acuerdo to come to o reach an agreement;
    estar de acuerdo en algo to agree on something;
    estar de acuerdo con algn/algo to agree with sb/sth;
    ¿mañana a las ocho? — de acuerdo ( indep) tomorrow at eight? — OK o all right
    c) de acuerdo con or a in accordance with

    acordar verbo transitivo to agree: los sindicatos acordaron convocar una huelga, the trade unions agreed to call a strike ➣ Ver nota en agree
    acuerdo sustantivo masculino
    1 agreement
    acuerdo marco, framework agreement
    2 (conformidad) estoy de acuerdo contigo, I agree with you
    estoy de acuerdo en que es un disparate, I agree that it's ridiculous
    estábamos de acuerdo en vender la casa, we agreed to sell the house
    nunca se ponen de acuerdo, they never agree ➣ Ver nota en agree
    3 excl (asentimiento) ¡de acuerdo!, all right!, O.K.! ➣ Ver nota en all right
    ♦ Locuciones: de acuerdo con, (según) in accordance with
    de común acuerdo, by common consent
    ' acuerdo' also found in these entries:
    - aunar
    - bien
    - bilateral
    - botepronto
    - cerrar
    - cierta
    - cierto
    - coincidir
    - compromisaria
    - compromisario
    - compromiso
    - comulgar
    - común
    - concesión
    - conforme
    - cumplir
    - dialogar
    - dinamitar
    - entendimiento
    - entorpecer
    - estar
    - excepto
    - luego
    - misma
    - mismo
    - prematrimonial
    - refrendar
    - saldar
    - según
    - sellar
    - suscribir
    - tácita
    - tácito
    - tardía
    - tardío
    - tratado
    - tripartita
    - tripartito
    - unitaria
    - unitario
    - vendedor
    - vendedora
    - verificarse
    - vulnerar
    - acordar
    - alcanzar
    - aplicar
    - aprobación
    - aprobar
    - accordance
    - advantageous
    - affirm
    - agree
    - agreeable
    - agreement
    - all right
    - altogether
    - amicable
    - approve
    - approve of
    - arms control
    - arrangement
    - assent
    - back away
    - beg
    - blank
    - bond
    - compromise
    - concur
    - convenient
    - deadlock
    - deal
    - disagree
    - enter into
    - equitable
    - fall through
    - few
    - formalize
    - fulfillment
    - fulfilment
    - full
    - go along with
    - grant
    - hammer out
    - honourable
    - hope
    - horn
    - how
    - informal
    - issue
    - keep
    - keeping
    - lip
    - long-standing
    - many
    - most
    - OK
    - okay
    * * *
    1. [determinación, pacto] agreement;
    un acuerdo verbal a verbal agreement;
    llegar a un acuerdo to reach (an) agreement;
    tomar un acuerdo to make a decision;
    no hubo acuerdo they did not reach (an) agreement;
    de común acuerdo by common consent
    acuerdo arancelario tariff agreement;
    acuerdo comercial trade agreement;
    Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade;
    Informát acuerdo de licencia licence agreement;
    acuerdo marco general o framework agreement;
    acuerdo de paz peace agreement o deal;
    Fin acuerdo de recompra repurchase agreement;
    acuerdo salarial pay agreement, pay deal;
    acuerdo tácito tacit agreement
    2. Am [recuerdo]
    hazme acuerdo de comprar pan remind me to buy some bread
    3. Méx [reunión] staff meeting
    de acuerdo loc adv
    1. [conforme]
    estar de acuerdo (con algo/alguien) to agree (with sth/sb);
    estar de acuerdo en algo to agree on sth;
    estamos de acuerdo en que es necesario encontrar una solución we agree that we have to find a solution;
    ponerse de acuerdo (con alguien) to agree (with sb), to come to an agreement (with sb)
    2. [bien, vale] all right;
    lo traeré mañana – de acuerdo I'll bring it tomorrow – all right o fine;
    de acuerdo, me has convencido, lo haremos a tu manera all right, you've convinced me, we'll do it your way
    de acuerdo con [conforme a] in accordance with;
    de acuerdo con cifras oficiales… according to official figures…
    * * *
    1 agreement;
    acuerdo comercial trade agreement;
    estar de acuerdo con agree with, be in agreement with;
    llegar a un acuerdo, ponerse de acuerdo come to o reach an agreement ( con with);
    tomar un acuerdo reach an agreement;
    de común acuerdo by mutual agreement;
    ¡de acuerdo! all right!, OK!
    de acuerdo con algo in accordance with sth
    * * *
    1) : agreement
    estar de acuerdo : to agree
    de acuerdo con : in accordance with
    de acuerdo : OK, all right
    * * *
    acuerdo n agreement
    de acuerdo all right / OK

    Spanish-English dictionary > acuerdo

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  • Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; …   Universalium

  • biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old… …   Universalium

  • Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… …   Universalium

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

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